January 2, 2013

Create a Red or Cyan Effect Out of an Image in Photoshop

Would like to create images really show up? Whereas stereoscopic special effects similar to Cyan/Red 3D are frequently shaped with fancy photography activities, I’ll be produce with simple deception image editing. Jump right on in and observe how easy it is able to be, by way of an easy version for Photoshop beginners, and another second element for users that want to give image some more get-up-and-go. Create a Red or Cyan Effect Out of an Image in Photoshop The practical term for a 3D image is an Anaglyph, which are generally designed by photographing a subject from two separate
December 29, 2012

Photoshop on iPad

In the market new iPad has been released. A lot of people may expect like to learn how to design this dazzling Apple product with developing other iPad correlated graphics based on the PSD file. In this tutorial I will show you how to design Adobe Photoshop on iPad. At here we will use dissimilar tools, such as gradient tools, different blending mode tools, shape tools, and loads of enormous techniques. At first, we have to open a new document. Open the Photoshop software and create a new document by through the File-New. Where I’m use a Web preset means

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