Raster To Vector


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Raster to Vector Conversion & Drawing Service

Raster to vector is an elegant service of Illustrator. Now a days, it is one of the most used services for various purposes. In fact, vector service is to convert a raster file into high quality and fully scalable vector image file and it is done for using the images on banners, wrappers, billboards, printing, t-shirts, business cards, architectural design and so on. This vector service will make an image free from pixilation and poor quality. However, the present world is full of innumerous media and growing fast digitally. Every business and many media are using images which need to be changed from raster to vector. They are using vector images from Raster or Bitmap images for making 2D, 3D and CAD design. They are also using Text, Print to Text digitization which need to be converted carefully. These are very laborious services which require the touch of highly skilled and experienced vector and CAD designers.


Categories of Raster to Vector

Raster image to vector can be classified into some categories such as-

☑️ Raster images like JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIFF, PDF etc. to vector conversion,
☑️Vector line drawing
☑️Vector art work drawing
☑️ Vector floor plan drawing (CAD Drawing)
☑️ Vector interior plan drawing
☑️ Vector map drawing
☑️ Vector product drawing
☑️ Vector logo design service

These types of works need latest technology like the latest version of Adobe Illustrator as well as the touch of skilled and experienced graphic designers. The prime advantage of vector design is it can be zoomed at any size with 100% original quality and so these vector images can be used for any purposes in any media, digital or print.

How to Convert Raster Images to Vector Images

Actually vector image files rely mostly on many paths and it is pixel based. As here about vector conversion is being discussed elaborately, it needs to know something about the process of vector image conversion. Let’s try a simple and easy vector process- At first take a raster or a Bitmap round shape image for converting vector image. Open it in Illustrator. If you take a new document, then place it and zoom to see the actual condition of the image. You may find it pixilated. Taking a new layer, lock the first image layer. Now, you can create a path with the pen tool or in case of round shape, you can take Ellipse tool of Illustrator for making easily another round shape. Then use the Gradient tool to fill color. Before doing this, take the color from the original image by Eyedropper tool. Click Gradient type option and select Linear. Here, you can select Radial. Actually, an image which has a glowing effect in the center, then radial should be used but if it is on a side of the original image, select Linear to add a glowing effect on the side of the second image. Thus fill the color and zoom it in any scale. No noise will be visible in the image and this is vector image you wanted to do. It is a simple vector conversion but for complex work of vector line drawing Pen tool is more effective to complete the work perfectly. Beside above these steps you have to do more works to get a professional image. A deep attention, a combination of skill and experience, and strong patience should be paid on it.

Why Raster to Vector service

It is almost beyond description to say about the using range of general image to vector service. Before proceeding ahead, we should be sure about the purpose of jpg to vector conversion. In fact, this is mostly a matter of resolution. In case of raster images, resolution is a great problem because these images get pixilated during zooming or in the time of changing into higher resolutions or sizes. On the other hand vector, vector images remain in the same behavior when it is zoomed or changed into higher resolutions or any sizes. Vector images are the alternatives to the limitation of raster images. That’s why vector images can be used for any media like Print Media. Besides this, vector images are known as print ready images.
This service is widely used for logo and artwork creation by Illustrator, Flash Animation in Macromedia Freehand. R2V drawing is also for 3D design in Auto CAD for mechanical, engineering, architectural and more.
Vector images can keep its quality, no matter how it is zoomed or extended in sizes. Because of this quality vector images are used for sign board, billboard, catalog, brochure, digital media, print media, e-commerce sites and many mores. Moreover, now a days, the manual books are being created by vector graphic designers. They are using these vector images considering the product’s size, shape, design, etc. to represent the products to the customers.
Besides, vector images have made it possible to present products along with its functional menu one by one with the product photography. In electronics bazar, vector images are playing a significant role for marketing. Design for marketing of different types of products like mobile, electronic items and tools, garment items, machinery products, furniture products, motor parts etc. Vector graphic design service is unavoidable.
However, there is a confusion whether vector color is only black & white or multi-color can be used. Indeed, any color for any design, in case of a vector can be used, no problem. According to the customer’s demand, different colors such as fill color, gradient color, stock color, mash color etc. for different products like logo and artwork can be applied to make these unique.

In short, a list of some advantages of vector images

☑️Easy to create
☑️Resizable at any sizes
☑️Distortion free images
☑️Easy to edit
☑️Complexity determines the sizes
☑️Ideal for detail illustrations
☑️Good for print
☑️Aesthetically graphics are more pleasing
☑️Unparalleled for animation and presentation


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Our Pen Tablet (Wacom) Related Works

We are offering very competitive but affordable price packages for professional image manipulation, retouching, composition, and editing services. We provide high-end quality services using Pen Tablet within turnaround time, because we care and know the value of you and your files!

High End Retouching

We offer competitive price for professional image manipulation and retouching & photo editing services which is very much affordable. We don’t say we provide the cheapest, but we provide the most reliable photo retouching and image editing services at affordable cost. Because we care for you!

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  • "The excellent service that our company has received from this company is second to none! We uploaded the files in the evening, and the clipping paths came back in the morning. I would recommend Clipping Path India (CPI) to anyone who is looking for quality and affordable clipping path services at a fast turnaround time."

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