June 8, 2021

How to Remove Wrinkles From Clothes in Photoshop

How to Remove Wrinkles From Clothes in Photoshop
Most probably, you are in search of getting the appropriate source to know how to remove wrinkles from clothes in Photoshop in the most convenient way. Well! Wrinkles look annoying, especially while the photoshoot is done for professional purposes. That’s why it’s crucial to avoid such a scenario with the help of any skilled retoucher who is well capable of dealing with image editing tools like Adobe Photoshop. How to Remove Clothing Wrinkles in Photoshop So, here are the steps where you will get clear instructions to remove wrinkles from cloth in the most convenient way. Step-1 Open the selected
May 31, 2021

5 Creative Toy Photography Ideas With Amazing Results

Creative Toy Photography Ideas
Toy photography is a gateway to bring toys to life. Each photograph may tell a story, frozen in time, in a world where toys are made to be the main protagonists. But, the majority gets glued upon a single question — where to start? And so, our article today is dedicated to clearing out your indecisions and to get you to start clicking. 5 Must Try Toy Photography Ideas We will be discussing some of the best toy photography ideas in just a bit, but first, let us take a peek at what ideas we are talking about. Bokeh technique
April 19, 2021

Creative Ideas for Indoor Photography To Get You Clicking!

Creative Ideas for Indoor Photography
Stuck indoors and looking for photography ideas? You’re in just the right place! We have dedicated this article to dive into 10 fun ideas for indoor photography that are super easy and have results that are absolutely lovable.  So why delay any further? Let us first see a list of the content below : Bokeh Photography Reflection Photography Macro Photography Clicking Through A Glass Food Photography Lace Shadow Technique Still-life Photography Abstract Photography Depth Photography Levitating Objects   1. Bokeh Photography  First on our list is Bokeh photography. The idea involves using lights and manual focus. The Bokeh photography technique is
March 22, 2021

How to Blur Edges in Photoshop

How to Blur Edges in Photoshop
To focus proper attention on a photo, blurring edges can be a better method to be implemented. The process goes with blending it to white or transparent. In this article, we have come with two different ways (masking and selection) on how to blur edges in Photoshop so that you find the best solution with less effort and complexity. How to Blur Edges in Photoshop (Masking Method) Step-1 After opening the image in Adobe Photoshop, do unlock the layer by clicking the padlock symbol.   Step-2 From the properties menu, go to Quick Actions>Remove Background.   Step-3 Now, from the
January 30, 2021

How to Optimize Image for Ecommerce Website

Optimizing images along with the other elements can undoubtedly make your ecommerce site more reachable to the audience whom you are actually trying to target.  In this article, we are going to show you some of the crucial tips to optimize the images for online stores so that owners get the maximum benefits. Why Images Optimization is Important for an Online Store Optimizing images is one of the very first requirements for an eCommerce website especially when you are expecting more traffic. There are a couple of reasons, image optimizing is very much important and helps you get more customers.
December 6, 2017

Focus Stacking with Auto-blend for Macro Photography in Photoshop and Lightroom

Focus stacking with Auto-blend for Macro Photography in Photoshop and Lightroom
If you are a macro photographer, you probably have heard the very words ‘focus stacking’ and ‘auto-blend’. This tutorial is dedicated to dedicated macro Photographers. But for more, focus stacking is a method to combine some frames shot at many focal points. This idea is to have all the unfocused points in your image focused and it is required in the case of macro photography where there is shallow depth of field. It may happen during ecommerce photos of small product photography where it is challenging to capture high-range images with detailed information about the products. And when you pick

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