January 26, 2013

Transformer Text Effect in Photoshop

Top create Transformer Text Effect in Photoshop Open Photoshop and create a new document with the size of 1500 x 1000. Choose a background as like you. I choose the following. Set in RGB mode save it as a name. Type something on your background image.  Open Photoshop and create a new document with the size of 1500 x 1000. Choose a background as like you. I choose the following. Set in RGB mode save it as a name. Type something on your background image. Go to the Blending Option and set the following: Drop Shadow: In drop shadow set
January 25, 2013

Create Glass effect using Photoshop

For complete this tutorial we the font (as desire of you), background, and pattern used for background. With these assets we can make such a beautiful Glass Effect Image. Open Photoshop; open a new document size 600 x 400. Set in RGB mode and 8 bit, Resolution of 72 pixels/inch with the background of white color. Set in the advanced mode color profile “Don’t Color Manage this Document” and Pixel Aspect Ratio will square. Set the background image. Given in below the picture. Create the first Text Layer. In here we will make our text effect which will look as
January 24, 2013

Make Blood Text Effect in Photoshop

Blood text effect tutorial we need font – Gypsy Curse and Organic and Bubble Patterns as a .PAT format. In the .PSD document set in RGB mode. Pixel set at 300 x 400 and White Color Background with 72 DPI. Foreground color set at #333333. While the background layer selected the press alt+Delete (at a time). Which will change to dark grey color of the background. In advanced settings Color Profile will be Don’t Color Manage this Document and Pixel Aspect Ratio will Square Pixels. Now for the background we need to create a layer. For this choose “Layer from
January 23, 2013

Learn about Glossy Text Effect

How to create a Glossy Text Effect in Photoshop Open a new document in Photoshop. Size maintain between 1152 x 864 pixels. Foreground and background will be #5e4a3f and #271509. From the Gradient tool option bar select Linear Gradient Icon. From top to bottom in the canvas drag it. Now add noise through go to Filter to Noise and Add Noise. The amount will be 1 also select the Gaussian distribution. Now write a text on the canvas. With the font of RiotSquad and font color is #c7c7c7 and font size will 365. Copy this text layer. Change the duplicate’s
January 19, 2013

Candy Effect In Photoshop

I open Adobe Photoshop in my computer. Create a new document and set its size as width 600 x height 450 pixels. Set color mode in RGB. Where set resolution must be at 72 DPI. Go to Layer then Duplicate Layer and press OK. Follow this step duplicate the background. Save this new layer as your wish, I save it with the name of ‘Background Pattern’. To change the several textures, double click on previous layer named as Background Pattern. By go to ‘Pattern Overlay’ select the ‘Cherry01′ and press OK. Double click on ‘Background Pattern’ to create the vignette
January 17, 2013

Neon Effect in Photoshop Tutorial

To create a Photoshop image we have to open to make an image. So open the Adobe Photoshop. Create a document size with 1200 x 600 and save it as a .PSD file. It will be in RGB mode and 72 Dpi. Open a brick wall texture in the Photoshop. Through transform (Ctrl+T) change the texture and resize as you want. Make it darker by go to levels > Image > Adjustments > Levels or Command/Ctrl+L. The figure is: Make the text with the font “Impact”. Character set by 320pt, (Auto), 80% and 150%. And layer Opacity – 100% with
January 10, 2013

How to Create Gold Effect with Sparkling Diamond

In this tutorial I will show how we can create Gold Effect with Sparkling Diamond in the Photoshop. Hope everybody can enjoy this tutorial. Let’s start now. In the first step we have to open the Adobe Photoshop and open a new file. We know that in the Photoshop the file type is PSD. The created new file size will be 1152 x 864 pixels. Set the foreground and background color black as the color #151515 and #070707. Form the option bar pick Gradient Tool and click on the Radial Gradient icon. Now to create a diamond effects first choose
January 9, 2013

Digital Painting of Two Faces by Adobe Photoshop

Graphical Painting
In this article I will describe how to draw two faces by Digital Painting. It’s just a simple article. The description is given below. At first open the Adobe Photoshop and open a new file. For open a new file go to File – New from the Menu bar. Now we have to decide the dimension of the canvas in which you feel comfort. This will be better if w choose a standard paper size. Intended for this image within scrupulous, approximately 9 inches with 12 inches would be sufficient. For the suitable image printing purposes always have to remember that
January 4, 2013

Crisp Metallic Text Effect in Photoshop

Before designing in your computer should have contained the Adobe Photoshop. Then you will install the font of  “Rothenburg Decorative”. And install the brush of  “Grunge Brushes”. Now open your Photoshop and create a new document which size will be, as I prefer 1800 x 1300 pixels also which is in RGB Mode. But you can prefer another size like you want. Set the DPI at 72 and choose your background color with this dark grey color #1f1f1f. In this step create a new layer; rename it “text”, here use these grunge brushes and click the center of the document
January 3, 2013

How to Design Golden Flame

Gold Glitters in Photoshop
For designing a commercial image or creative work you can show your talent making a Design Golden Flame in Adobe Photoshop. Lets see how. Open Adobe Photoshop and open a new document which size I prefer 1200*800px, then fill the background color by black color. On the background type, here who favor which font, doesn’t matter to select any font, I just wrote some texts onto it. Now we are in second layer. I applied the layer blending options. From style select outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss-contour, stroke. Now set in the outer glow-structure-blend mode (screen), opacity (75%),
January 2, 2013

Create a Red or Cyan Effect Out of an Image in Photoshop

Would like to create images really show up? Whereas stereoscopic special effects similar to Cyan/Red 3D are frequently shaped with fancy photography activities, I’ll be produce with simple deception image editing. Jump right on in and observe how easy it is able to be, by way of an easy version for Photoshop beginners, and another second element for users that want to give image some more get-up-and-go. Create a Red or Cyan Effect Out of an Image in Photoshop The practical term for a 3D image is an Anaglyph, which are generally designed by photographing a subject from two separate
January 1, 2013

Photo Retouch by Healing Tool

Image Retouch by Healing Tool
Hello, Today I would like to show you various Photo Retouch techniques by healing tool. Spot Healing Brush Tool Unwanted elements from a photo or imperfections of an image and for quickly remove blemishes we use primarily the Spot Healing Brush. This Brush Try to repair automatically the imperfection of an image via sampling the surrounding area. For recover an image you have to paint an image over an imperfection. You had liked to get purge of using a suitable brush where brushes can be selected and modified in the options bar. Watchful! Even though the Spot Healing brush is living a

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