June 16, 2016

Earn From Your Travel Photos: Turn Your Passion into Your Profession

How often have you wished to quit your job on the grumpy face of your boss? Have you ever dreamed of leaving everything behind and step outside to travel around the world, but could not do it because you never were quite sure? Do time and budget hold you back from becoming a traveler forever? Perhaps you’re seeking for answers to any of these questions as you’ve come here and reading this!! Let us not disappoint you. Let’s learn some quick suggestions on how to earn money from travel photography. Let’s get started!! Things You Need To Become a Travel
June 9, 2016

Things You Need To Know Before Using Creative Commons Images For Your Blog

Today, many bloggers operate their own blog site to spread their writings, thoughts as well as to promote their creativity. As only textual representation makes a blog boring and unattractive, a blogger may use a relevant image for his/her blog content. But how to collect these blog images and from where?  Many will suggest you that to search in google, download and use those images. No doubt that they are your well-wishers but it may ruin your entire blog site. Shocked? Let me explain why. Usually, images found in google are copyright protected. It means you can not use those
June 2, 2016

Ghost Mannequin or Neck Joint: An Introduction for Beginners

How e-commerce products are photographed? Dummy model dolls, also known as mannequins are used by photographers to take photographs of different garments, ornaments, and other related products. Dummy dolls are used to cut the cost of models. By using Photoshop ghost mannequin service, the dummy doll is removed without hampering the 3D shape of any cloth. This is the most popular way used by the photographers to portray the products retaining the real shapes without any dolls or real body. In this way, photographers can easily list a range of products in a quick time and less cost. Why Ghost
April 21, 2016

Tips and Tricks for Product Photography Using iPhone

Smartphones like iPhones and Android phones has already got so powerful and can produce the quality outputs for which you would need at least a digital camera few years back. Today we are going to discuss how we can use iPhone S4/S5/S6 or later for product photography also apply ghost mannequin photography. Well, a DSLR camera should be the perfect candidate for this. But if we do not have a DSLR camera available readily for our work, we can shoot with our smartphones confidently. IPhones or other smartphones has a plus point. We always carry it with us. These are easily portable devices.
April 16, 2016

The Hidden Secrets about Ghost Mannequin Photography for Apparel Business.

The apparel industry has gone from the offline market to the online market that is e-commerce. Many large online shops are now selling apparel products or giving opportunities to small and large companies to sell their garment products. If you are a hardworking and optimistic e-commerce web store owner, then I want to give you some valuable tips which can help you to lift your apparel e-commerce business at a new height. If you get benefit from this feature, do not forget to give a thanks to this professional photographer and graphic designers; yes, that’s me! Tips 1:Let’s begin our
March 3, 2016

eBay’s Image Guidelines for Store Owner

We all know the importance of photos. Images and pictures attract us. It can communicate with us. Because people say that a picture can tell thousands of words. I think it’s very true. So do not forget to upload a nice and attractive picture for your product listings on e-commerce sites like eBay or amazon. While submitting product images to the eBay we have to comply with their guidelines regarding images. The first rule is that you must submit an image for a product listing. There may be the case where you are advertising for a service which is not
February 16, 2016

Ultimate Guide to Start a Successful Wedding Photography Business

Wedding photographer preparing
Well, if you are a photographer who wishes to build your own business in the Wedding Photography sector, this article should provide some ideas on setting up your business. You will also get ideas and strategies regarding business promotion. I will provide you with some information, tips, and tricks for Marketing and Advertisement. I assume that you are reading this article because you have gained sufficient knowledge and experience regarding photography. Now, you want to build a business of wedding photography. Suggested Article- Average Photographer Cost for Wedding. Setting a Goal Normally every business starts with a goal in mind. We
January 28, 2016

Clipping Path India – One Stop Solution for All Types of Image Editing Services

Clipping Path India One Stop Image Editing Services
We all need images. If you are working in print, online or other medium of advertising, then you need some kind of editing to the images you use. For more than the last couple of decades, requirement for image editing services is increasing rapidly. It has now become a very essential requirement for e-commerce web stores. We, at Clipping Path India, have a dedicated and experienced personnel for all your image manipulation solutions. You can come to us for every kind of image editing services. You can consider us as a one stop point to get your job done with
January 21, 2016

How Graphic Design Firms Can Make Photographer’s Life Easier!

Graphic Design Firms
Photography is an unavoidable service nowadays. We all know that a proper image can say thousands of words. We use images everywhere – websites, television, cinema, billboard, newspaper, magazine, catalogue, brochure, flyer, books, in the classroom, in training session, in official meeting; what not? Businesses have to display new visuals for marketing in regular intervals. We do not like to watch the same TV commercial for a long period of time. Same for the other mediums. New images and design catch our attention easily. So, advertisement companies keep devising new ideas with the change of time and season. New events
December 17, 2015

How To Choose a Perfect A Graphic Designer for Your Project

How to Choose the Perfect Graphic Designer for your Business by Clipping Path India
A great design can make a huge impact on the human mind. When you need to redesign, recreate or process an image, the main problem is to find out a guy who can do the task perfectly. You may not have knowledge to edit the images by yourself. So you have to contact or hire a graphic designer, but the main headache is to find out the right person. So here in this feature, we are going to give you some strategic suggestions which will help you to choose the right graphic designer. 1. Direct hires or outsourcing? At first,
December 14, 2015

How to create a realistic drop shadow in Photoshop?

Most of the beginner graphic designers try to make/ add a reflection shadow in Photoshop to look a more realistic image. We present a realistic natural shadow tutorial for every Photoshop leaner. So let’s start In this Photoshop graphics design tutorial we will give you step by step actual/easy instruction and tips on “How to create a realistic mirror shadow in Photoshop” using the Photoshop software platform. Now at first open Adobe Photoshop Software, at that time select/import your existing image wish to for this task. After that remove the background around the image before you do the drop shadow when
December 2, 2015

How to Make a Reflection Shadow Using Photoshop Part-2

Shadow Tutorial video
What is reflective shadow and why do we use it? A light and reflection shadow gives product a look as if your product was photographed on a reflective surface, like a glass mirror. Using Photoshop mirror shadows in product images can create a context for the customer and a subliminal impression of quality. It is a simple and effective image editing technique that can benefit your e-Commerce store, catalog, brochure, magazine, reflect and printing industry. The image editing activities related with industries mentioned earlier are growing day by day all over the world. If you are an entrepreneur and want to

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