August 7, 2017

Travel Photography Tips, Tricks and Hacks

Travel Photography tips and tricks
Many people love to enjoy themselves. They love travelling and try to remember the happy memories of those days. For this reason, they capture Photograph. But, now a days, since Photography is taken as a career widely, many people are moving for Travel photography purposes. They are passing many days for the sake of their photography. They are moving from place to place, country to country. For performing their job perfectly, this time, they have to stay fit and keep concentration to the topic. So, they are to do a lot of things before, during, and after travelling. We here
July 13, 2017

Things You Should Avoid For Your Online Product Photo

Things you should avoid for your online product photo
Nowadays e-commerce has emerged as a big industry all over the world. Taking great product photographs is basic to operating an effective online store. However, display of the products on your website is more important than the way the photos were taken. Any online store can have lovely pictures, but many of them commit basic errors in organization and efficiency of their product displays. 1) Avoid using high-resolution Photos I’ve seen numerous online stores fall into this trap. They utilize a lot of high-resolution photograph photo for all of the product pictures on the site.Thus, the site goes to a
June 20, 2017

8 DSLR Photography Tips and Tricks: Improve your Skill

Photography Life Hack
There are a lot of very excellent and useful photography hacks available in online. From these, I have gathered and shared some funny but interesting hacks or you may call tips. You can try these and get fabulous photos. Your camera or smart phone can be an awesome tool for taking amazing photos. You can get many costly complementary photography gadgets that the photographers buy and use for having outstanding photos. But, if you are a little bit creative guy, you can have such images by applying some simple photography hacks. Ok, here are my selected top 8 photography hacks
June 15, 2017

How Photo Editing Services Impact On Various Sectors

How Photo Editing Rules Various Industries
If you look over the internet, you will find that, more or less, there is a noteworthy role of images in every business. Even, there are some businesses which totally depend on the utilization of the high end quality photos because these images have the ability to catch the attention of the potential customers/clients. So, the owners of the business are allowing the photographers to get great looking photos of their products. Anyway, for this reason, the photographers follow many techniques and apply various latest gears to take the great photos of the products. But often, it is impossible to
April 3, 2017

10 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Promoting Photography Business

10 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Promoting Photography Business
Marketing is the fuel that drives success for any business. For marketing, digital media is the go to place for your audiences as well as businesses. If your business targets digital media, there are literally no option other than social media. To promote your photography business, you should know the best practices of 10 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Promoting Photography Business. Marketing using social media enables you to reach a wide range of audience, who are interested in learning, gathering information or just reading (or viewing) contents. Social media also helps you to engage with your audience in large
January 28, 2017

Professional Ghost Mannequin Tutorial- How to do Neck Join in Photoshop?

This is a ghost mannequin tutorial. It’s another name is invisible mannequin or neck joint service. The flat images of eCommerce product like shirts, sweater, hoodie sweater, T-shirts etc. aren’t looked real. That is why, the product photographers, during taking these images use a doll or mannequin to make a 3D shape which gives a realistic view. Again, the images with the doll or mannequin cannot be used directly. So, these objects need to be removed from product image to make usable in the business purposes.
November 8, 2016

Five Lighting Arrangements For Your Product Photography.

Five Lighting Arrangements for Your Product Photography
What camera should I buy? ­-is one of the most frequently asked question asked by many. It is a common belief of many that good pictures require advanced cameras and photography kits. Indeed a camera with advanced kits is very important, but this is not the only thing to execute a successful photography. There are several other factors one must consider to get the desired output. Among the important features, lighting is one of the most vital element of photography. No matter what photo does one take, without proper product photography lighting arrangement, the photograph does not come alive.  Product
October 17, 2016

How to Start a Business with Footwear Photography

Online shopping has gained popularity in recent years and it is increasing day by day. A major difference between online shopping and traditional shopping is in the case of online shopping, it is not possible to touch the product physically. So there are only two options for customers to make the decision for purchasing that product- product descriptions and product images. For this reason, publishing multiple, high-quality images of each product is the main priority for e-commerce site owners. According to eBay, a clear and detailed product image can boost up it’s a sale by 2%. Amazon and eBay have
October 13, 2016

How to Boost Your Creativity by Learning Abode Photoshop

When you explore lovely digital art and compare it with the items you draw with a pencil, you’ll feel astounded and reduced. If solely you’ll afford a graphics pill, you’ll be even as good! And if you have already got a pill, your thought is, “If solely I may afford Photoshop! Such a lot of wonderful things are often finished this package.” And if you have each a pill and good package, you are dreaming concerning the godlike Wacom Cintiq—the larger, the better. But, until then, you are stuck. You cannot be any higher. And it isn’t your fault, it’s
August 2, 2016

Why Digital Photography is Trending Now and What Should You Know about It?

Digital Photography Banner Image
As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”, the current marketing trend seems to have gripped this idea to grow business further. In this digital era, Photography has migrated from its entertainment purpose to business purpose. Visual communication has conquered the marketing industry like never before. The introduction of new technologies in photography has started a whole new era. Digital photography earns a living to thousands of people. Photography is Not Just Limited to Professional Camera Anymore Photography has become easier like never before. You don’t need to own a professional DSLR camera in order to capture
July 1, 2016

A Bulk Order Client? Learn about the Privileges waiting for you!

A Bulk Order Client
It is often seen that, in order to attract big and busy clients who work on a large scale, image editing service providers offer Bulk Image Editing Service. It’s a generic conception that bundle comes with discounts. A client with bulk order always enjoys some special privileges from image editing service providers. There are thousands of people around the world who solely depend on image related services for their living. They send photos for processing to image editing service providers. As the number of photos grow in numbers, the discount rate also increases. This is called the bulk order discount.
June 23, 2016

How to Photograph Jewelry on a White Background

Photography jewelry tutorial Background Image
If you are an online jewelry shop owner, you want to display your products in the most alluring way possible to attract more customers. The main problem is that it is impossible to hire a professional photographer due to cost management or timing related issues. So what can you do? What could be the possible alternative? You can take your own photos. It is possible for you to get great shots of your items if you have the proper equipment such as lighting and camera and a proper plan of action. It will help you to achieve your goal. We

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