November 22, 2018

Blur Photo Background in Photoshop, Shallow Depth of Field Effect

Blur Photo Background banner
Your most beautiful images may contain distracting backgrounds that drive viewers’ attention from the main subject. It can happen in the case of e-commerce product photo which may not get desired customers’ attention. If so, you can remove image background or if you have motif to keep background, you can also do so just by blurring image background. Another thing may occur in your mind that your recently captured images are terribly beautiful with their background and you want to keep background and at the same time, you also want to maintain suitable focus on the subject. Here, you can
November 17, 2018

Best of Travel Photography with complete guidelines

Travel Photography Guidelines
You’re on vacation, and you’ve got your camera with you on a well-known tourist place where you are taking the same photo over and over. The aim of this photography is to convince people to travel to a certain destination. As a tourism photographer, you’ll tour lots of places and clicked them through your camera. The places can be tourist spots, natural landscape, hotel, resorts, cultural theatre and outdoor venues. Most of the professional travel photography is in some way linked with the tourist industry, generating photos for magazines, brochures, advertising, merchandise and social media. Travel photography is an inspiration
June 9, 2018

History & the Story of Various Raster Image Formats

History & The Story of Various Raster Image Formats
The word “raster” has originated from the Latin “rastrum” (a rake), which is derived from radere (to scrape). The concept originates from the raster scan of cathode ray tube (CRT) video monitors, which paint the image line by line by magnetically steering a focused electron beam. Besides, it can also refer to a rectangular grid of pixels. The word “rastrum” is now used to refer to a device for drawing musical staff lines. An early scanned display with raster computer graphics was invented in the late 1960s by A. Michael Noll at Bell Labs. JPEG “JPEG” stands for Joint Photographic
January 2, 2018

Exhaustive Product Photography Gears, Equipments and Essentials List

Exhaustive Product Photography Gears, Equipments, and Essentials List
[Updated on August 2022] Product photography is important for all modern businesses, including online business sectors. In ecommerce sector, you cannot touch products directly before buying. The only thing, you can see the product photo and by this means, you have to choose your required product. Ecommerce business growth is much dependent on the use of high-end quality product photos which must present the details of the product. That’s why this product image should be taken at the studio properly keeping in mind ecommerce adaptability. For shooting quality product photos, great photographers use a lot of gear. They never compromise
December 6, 2017

Focus Stacking with Auto-blend for Macro Photography in Photoshop and Lightroom

Focus stacking with Auto-blend for Macro Photography in Photoshop and Lightroom
If you are a macro photographer, you probably have heard the very words ‘focus stacking’ and ‘auto-blend’. This tutorial is dedicated to dedicated macro Photographers. But for more, focus stacking is a method to combine some frames shot at many focal points. This idea is to have all the unfocused points in your image focused and it is required in the case of macro photography where there is shallow depth of field. It may happen during ecommerce photos of small product photography where it is challenging to capture high-range images with detailed information about the products. And when you pick
November 22, 2017

Depixelate Low Res Images to High Resolution using Photoshop & Lightroom

Depixelated with PS High Pass Banner Image
Due to various reasons your great photos may get pixilated that reduces the quality of your photos. You cannot use these images for any important purposes- whether it is personal or commercial. If it happens to you, don’t worry, you can get rejuvenate your photo into high resolution photos using different image editing tools like: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop & Lightroom combined. Here, in this content we are going to share several step by step techniques on how to depixelate photos DIY. There is a warning tough. When you have a pixilated images with very low resolution, it
September 27, 2017

50 Awesome Free Non-cursive Script Fonts for Designers

Free Non-cursive Script Fonts
Choosing the right font can help to convey a message, evoke a particular emotion, and make an overall design more effective. Free non-cursive script fonts, in particular, can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any design. These fonts feature elegant and flowing lines that can be used to create beautiful typography for various design projects. In this digital age, there are countless non-cursive script fonts available to graphic designers. These fonts come in a range of styles, from classic and traditional to modern and trendy. Whether you’re designing a logo, creating a website, or designing a poster, there’s
September 7, 2017

Graphic Design & Photography Bloggers: Lit Your Idea Bulb with these Content Inspirations Hunting Techniques

Photography & Graphic Design-01
More often than not, to remain inventive and stylish, numerous photographers and graphic designers visit many sorts of Graphic Design Inspiration websites. Getting motivation for new design is very simple. Yet, as a bulk design agency for graphic designers & Photographers, we know that it is so hard to discover Inspirations for composing, particularly in the event that you are a Photography or Graphic Design Blogger. Words generally can’t do a thing which a picture can. This is truly valid since history, however an imaginative graphic design blogger knows that it is so difficult to put his plan in words.
August 7, 2017

Travel Photography Tips, Tricks and Hacks

Travel Photography tips and tricks
Many people love to enjoy themselves. They love travelling and try to remember the happy memories of those days. For this reason, they capture Photograph. But, now a days, since Photography is taken as a career widely, many people are moving for Travel photography purposes. They are passing many days for the sake of their photography. They are moving from place to place, country to country. For performing their job perfectly, this time, they have to stay fit and keep concentration to the topic. So, they are to do a lot of things before, during, and after travelling. We here
July 13, 2017

Things You Should Avoid For Your Online Product Photo

Things you should avoid for your online product photo
Nowadays e-commerce has emerged as a big industry all over the world. Taking great product photographs is basic to operating an effective online store. However, display of the products on your website is more important than the way the photos were taken. Any online store can have lovely pictures, but many of them commit basic errors in organization and efficiency of their product displays. 1) Avoid using high-resolution Photos I’ve seen numerous online stores fall into this trap. They utilize a lot of high-resolution photograph photo for all of the product pictures on the site.Thus, the site goes to a
June 20, 2017

8 DSLR Photography Tips and Tricks: Improve your Skill

Photography Life Hack
There are a lot of very excellent and useful photography hacks available in online. From these, I have gathered and shared some funny but interesting hacks or you may call tips. You can try these and get fabulous photos. Your camera or smart phone can be an awesome tool for taking amazing photos. You can get many costly complementary photography gadgets that the photographers buy and use for having outstanding photos. But, if you are a little bit creative guy, you can have such images by applying some simple photography hacks. Ok, here are my selected top 8 photography hacks
June 15, 2017

How Photo Editing Services Impact On Various Sectors

How Photo Editing Rules Various Industries
If you look over the internet, you will find that, more or less, there is a noteworthy role of images in every business. Even, there are some businesses which totally depend on the utilization of the high end quality photos because these images have the ability to catch the attention of the potential customers/clients. So, the owners of the business are allowing the photographers to get great looking photos of their products. Anyway, for this reason, the photographers follow many techniques and apply various latest gears to take the great photos of the products. But often, it is impossible to

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