July 25, 2021

How to Add Fonts in Photoshop- A Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Add Fonts in Photoshop
While you are a graphic designer and working with the most popular and handy tool, Photoshop, then you must be aware of installing and using various fonts for different purposes. Well! It’s nothing complex there to learn how to add fonts in Photoshop. Still, we’ll show you a step-by-step procedure so that anyone from beginner to advanced users can easily deal with this in the shortest period.  How to Add Fonts in Photoshop In this tutorial, you’ll find the solution to install fonts in Photoshop in just a few steps. Apart from this, we have also included the video tutorial
July 12, 2021

11 Most Famous Macro Photographers To Follow In 2024

Famous Macro Photographers
[ Updated in December, 2023 ] To see the eternal beauty of an object, there is no alternative to macro photoshoot. It makes the audience see the picture in detail using the high quality macro lenses along with the creativity and skills of the photographers. Today in our article, we will capture some of the famous macro photographers who have been in this genre for years and showing their talents amazingly. Suggested Article– Best Camera for Macro Photography.  Most Influential & Famous Macro Photographers Paul Harcourt Davies Alexey Kljatov Nicky Bay Jacky Parker Thomas Shahan Ondrej Pakan Jamie Price Danny
June 26, 2021

Best Macro Lenses- A List Of 9 High Quality Ones for Professionals

While you are searching for the best macro lenses to shoot the tiny things, there are certain things to consider before buying one. In this article, we put together only a few from hundreds of items on the web for macro photographers around the world. Well! If you ask how to choose a macro photography lens as a professional, you must think of some facts like focal length, aperture, stabilization, weight, and of course the price. Suggested Article– Best Camera for Macro Photography.  Best Macro Photography Lenses in 2024 Previously, we picked and discussed some best product photography lenses. Now
June 17, 2021

Most Unusual Macro Photography Ideas You Must Try!

macro photography ideas
Photographing close shots of any object is basically for representing something in detail. It’s always been special and interesting as it focuses on those elements that are not visible clearly to the naked eye. That’s the reason macro or close up photography comes to give a better option to capture those particular types of shots. In this article, we’ve planned to prepare a resource to deliver some unique macro photography ideas. Hopefully, the audience will get on the right track to learn something innovative and expect to build up their career in the photography genre and reach the next level
June 8, 2021

How to Remove Wrinkles From Clothes in Photoshop

How to Remove Wrinkles From Clothes in Photoshop
Most probably, you are in search of getting the appropriate source to know how to remove wrinkles from clothes in Photoshop in the most convenient way. Well! Wrinkles look annoying, especially while the photoshoot is done for professional purposes. That’s why it’s crucial to avoid such a scenario with the help of any skilled retoucher who is well capable of dealing with image editing tools like Adobe Photoshop. How to Remove Clothing Wrinkles in Photoshop So, here are the steps where you will get clear instructions to remove wrinkles from cloth in the most convenient way. Step-1 Open the selected
May 31, 2021

5 Creative Toy Photography Ideas With Amazing Results

Creative Toy Photography Ideas
Toy photography is a gateway to bring toys to life. Each photograph may tell a story, frozen in time, in a world where toys are made to be the main protagonists. But, the majority gets glued upon a single question — where to start? And so, our article today is dedicated to clearing out your indecisions and to get you to start clicking. 5 Must Try Toy Photography Ideas We will be discussing some of the best toy photography ideas in just a bit, but first, let us take a peek at what ideas we are talking about. Bokeh technique
May 15, 2021

Photoshop Tutorials: 9 Best YouTube Channels For Beginners

Photoshop has been the ultimate editing tool since 1988 and it is here to stay! It is the go-to tool for any IT professional and you can do anything from photo editing to graphic designing or animation. Hence it is essential that you learn Photoshopping or hone your already existing Photoshop skills before you dive into the IT sector or photography. 9 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Photoshop You can learn Photoshop from many places but one of the most prominent platforms that offer easy learning opportunities is YouTube. There are many Photoshop tutorials on YouTube in a variety of
May 7, 2021

Best Lighting For Product Photography

Best Lighting For Product Photography
The norm of photography has yet another important subcategory i.e, product photography. Product photography is needed for a variety of purposes but the most important of it all is for advertisement. Your photography skills correlate with how well your product will sell. It is all about capturing the most ideal aesthetic of a product. Many variables such as background presentation, camera angle, product placement, models, photo editing, etc are factors that make or break your product images. But out of them all, lighting plays a vital role in taking your product photography to a whole other level. And it is exactly what we will be
April 26, 2021

Professional Tips For Low Light Photography

Tips For Low Light Photography
Low light photography is a photography technique that uses low light environments as its main attraction — resulting in stunning and aesthetically pleasing images. This photography method plays with light and shadows and is perfect for both indoor and outdoor settings but one cannot attain the best outcome right off the hook now, can they? And so, some equipment and adjustments can take your dark photography experience to a whole other level. That said, our article today is solely focused on shedding light on some proven tips for low light photography to further enhance your skills of photography in poor
April 19, 2021

Creative Ideas for Indoor Photography To Get You Clicking!

Creative Ideas for Indoor Photography
Stuck indoors and looking for photography ideas? You’re in just the right place! We have dedicated this article to dive into 10 fun ideas for indoor photography that are super easy and have results that are absolutely lovable.  So why delay any further? Let us first see a list of the content below : Bokeh Photography Reflection Photography Macro Photography Clicking Through A Glass Food Photography Lace Shadow Technique Still-life Photography Abstract Photography Depth Photography Levitating Objects   1. Bokeh Photography  First on our list is Bokeh photography. The idea involves using lights and manual focus. The Bokeh photography technique is
April 9, 2021

Best Image Formats for Photographers and Designers

Best Image Formats
Is there anyone who expects to work with low-quality images in his/her project? Surely not! No one will ever think of destroying image quality while saving it. Well! Before capturing in the most appropriate format, you must know about its types along with their features.  Best Image File Formats and Their Uses Image formats are different file formats to store your images for different purposes. The two most popular categories of the formats are Raster Images and Vector Images. We have dedicated this article to explore 11 of the best quality image formats which we are listing below. JPEG PNG AI PSD
March 29, 2021

Top AI Photo Editors Alternative To Photoshop

Top AI Photo Editors Alternative To Photoshop
Photoshop is the world’s most popular photo editing tool that can be used for photo manipulation, photo transformation, photo enhancement, etc. Studies from 2020 show that around 71% of people edit their photographs before using them anywhere. In this article, we aim to help you find some great Photoshop alternatives that are built and operated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Best AI Photo Editors for 2021 Photolemur 3 Corel Paintshop Pro Topaz Labs Luminar 4 Sharpen AI PhotoDiva Aurora HDR   1. Photolemur 3 This AI based photo editing software is user-friendly with many AI features installed. It supports a

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