To Create Autumn Themed Text in Photoshop we need “AutumnPark” which I will use as a background canvas. Require “English Alphabet” and the software of “Adobe Photoshop”.
Then I will start to create design. Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document named save as Autumn Effect. You can name it as you wish. And I saved it in my desktop. Here you can keep it as your wishes folder.
Go to File then new and set the size width 1600 and Height 1200. I mean 1600 x 1200. In RGB mode 8 bit and background color White.
Set the autumn background in this new document. Keep in mind the autumn background have to same as the new document. And if not then copy and paste on new document and drag it by the Transform tool by go to Edit to Transform or by command of Ctrl+T.
Now write on the autumn background the text. I will write the “Color Experts”. You can write as your wish. For the writing something we need the English Alphabet. Open the alphabet and copy a single word through using Lasso Tool denote by (L). Select the letter as you want start with. I select the “C” by command ctrl+c and paste in on the autumn background by ctrl+v.
Then move it as your wishing place and you can make the size of word big or small. I place it on the tree’s leaf. Then use the magic tool of W. By which we can remove the unwanted color. Like here the unwanted color are the outside of word. Delete this and place the word where you want.
Then place the second word and place it after the first word. In here we can change the font or word color. By use the magic tool. Press the w then select the changing color and changing area and fill up it by pen tool. It will change our font color also the looking.
By this way set the word one after one. And write your wishing text. Then for real looking select brush and size minimize it to 6px to 8px. And choose the color combination of ass and green. Color the word under in which the word and ground are same place. Look in my figure you can see the drawing by brush.
Autumn Themed Text in Photoshop
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